10 Worst Doctor Who Performances Ever

3. Roy Skelton (Kroton) - The Krotons

One of the most undersold qualities of Doctor Who is the monster voices. From the unmistakable ring modulated Daleks to the whispering snake-like Ice Warriors, the show has always had a penchant for making use of the villains' voice. With the exception of two Krotons that is. One apparently originated from Birmingham and the other is a weird mix of Brummie and South African. This meant that €œThe Dynatrope will expire in 30 minutes€ actually sounded like €œThee Dwey-nat-raope weell expoyar een therteee meeneets€. And rather than menacing people with cries of €˜Exterminate€™ they threaten people with €œYou weeel be deespersed my son€. What is most disappointing is that one of the voice artists is Roy Skelton, a good voice actor. That means that playing the characters with those voices was a conscious choice rather than some poor soul who happened to hail from the wastes of Birmingham. And it is that conscious decision that makes the Kroton one of the worst performances in Doctor Who history.

I have been described as a sportsman with the brain of an athlete and the body of a scientist. Since it was established that playing wouldn't work out for me I have taken to writing.