100 Greatest Doctor Who Moments Ever

94. Planet of the Ood - Becoming an Ood

d10-9u-c484 One of the things I didn€™t expect from 'Planet of the Ood' was for their master Mr Halpen to be turned into one. I would have deemed it as silly if it wasn€™t done so well. It is a gross out moment, which is something the series has shyed away from since returning in 2005. It is truly graphic, a man peeling off his own head and then coughing up tentacles and a brain. The soundtrack makes it even more chilling. It is quite a horrible thing for the Ood to do, not to mention sudden. Providing you don€™t think about it too much, it is one of the most powerful scenes of the series so far.

93. The Brain of Morbius €“ Mind Bending

d4-4k-c105 This scene is one of the most prolific and contentious scenes for the fact that we see all of the Doctor€™s past regenerations and then it keeps going! But it€™s scenes like this that get people talking. If it wasn€™t so tense then everyone would ignore it, like the whole half human thing. It€™s the speculation that€™s the fun part. Who would have expected the images to get to William Hartnell and keep going. The bottom line is, we don€™t know all that much about the Doctor, and exactly how badly is the Doctor losing to Morbius? Also it€™s terrific of Doctor Who to go down this path of actually going head to head rather than a physical showdown, because it€™s clever. The Doctor only had to keep Morbius going long enough to great a static discharge in his big brain tank. Almost at the cost of his own life.

92. Silver Nemesis €“ Doctor Who?

d7-7k-c493 After a couple of years of the mystery deserting Doctor Who, this was the moment that put the 'Who' back into Doctor Who. This was the moment the series got back onto the path it had long since strayed off. Like our last moment, this is a moment that makes us question once again how much do we know about the Doctor. Lady Peinforte has been told who the Doctor really is by the Nemesis statue, the threat of his greatest secret being revealed, is enough to make the Doctor seemingly surrender. Thankfully the statue knows better than to succumb to the will of the Cybermen.

91. Terror of the Zygons - Sarah Kills The Harry

d4-4f-013 This moment no doubt scared the pants off the kids at the time. Although initially supported by a group of UNIT troops, chasing Harry who is acting very strangely, she follows him alone to a barn, which is all but dark. The Zygon imitating Harry watches Sarah before charging at her with a pitchfork in the hayloft. The look of terror on Lis Sladen€™s face may well be genuine. But the once loveable Harry goes careering out of the loft landing on a piece of machinery, reverting back to the Zygon€™s true form and letting out a horrible, gurgling, cry. It€™s a mix of relief that it wasn€™t the real Harry and horror at this squirming creature lying beneath.
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My name is Jon, recently graduated media production student. Always on the look out for chances to do what I enjoy and make it count. Writing, filming, animating, editing, radio. My speciality seems to be Doctor Who, years of accumulated knowledge and passion appear to be paying off creatively this being one outlet channel. So thanks for sharing in that with me and offering your support by reading my articles.