11 Best 11th Doctor Episodes

7. Closing Time

Eleventh Doctor Matt Smith Doctor Who Series 5
BBC Studios

More fun with Craig, who now has a kid to look after, and Cybermen to deal with. With a baby that won't stop crying (and declaring himself the dark lord of all), and his wife leaving on a trip, trusting him to cope on his own, the last thing he needs right now is The Doctor coming back into his life to poke him with a stick, which is of course exactly what he gets.

The Doctor, coming to terms with how he can't run forever from his destiny at Lake Silencio, decides to pull a 10th Doctor and check up on his old buddies before the end. But when he notices electrical disturbances surrounding a local shopping center, he can't help but pull one last bit of heroics before he sets off.

The episode is some much needed levity before a very serious finale to the season, helped immensely by Matt Smith and James Corden having electrifying chemistry with each other, brilliantly bouncing off each other's wildly different personalities. But it's also a very good closer for Craig's character as he completes his arc into the confident, loving father he always was but needed that extra push The Doctor is so great at giving in order to achieve it.

Given what we've seen of Corden's family life, perhaps Moffat was trying to get a message through to Corden.

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?