11 Best 11th Doctor Episodes

6. A Good Man Goes To War

Eleventh Doctor Matt Smith Doctor Who Series 5

"Demons run when a good man goes to war". Moffat's love of metaphors and mythos got a good bit tiring near the end of his run, but that one will always be a stone cold winner.

Amy has been captured by the militaristic cult known as The Silence, set on stealing and training her soon-to-be-born daughter from childhood into the perfect assassin for hunting down The Doctor. Shame then, for them, that The Doctor is coming to them with an army of the greatest warriors in history that owe him favors. And if they weren't already screwed enough, a very pissed off Rory is coming with him.

Needless to say, a snowflake in hell lasts longer than The Silence's armies. But don't count out Madame Kovarian just yet.

This is the Empire Strikes Back of Doctor Who episodes, a brilliant mid-season clash between our hero and our villain. And while the villain ultimately wins, we know in the back of our minds that The Doctor is going to come out on top somehow. But this episode definitely leaves that "how" looking more mysterious than ever before.

What ISN'T mysterious, however, is what we learn about the lovely River Song at the end of this episode. I won't give it away because any Whovian will tell you why, but needless to say it's a shock to the system.

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?