11 Best 11th Doctor Episodes

4. Amy's Choice

Eleventh Doctor Matt Smith Doctor Who Series 5
BBC Studios

Moffat loves building up the legend of The Doctor, but he equally loves tearing it down with sadistic glee. This episode is the best of the latter examples, as well as a brilliant character study of Amy Pond.

One could argue that Amy, and this episode as a whole, was meant as an agreement with Whovians who were put off by the first New Who companion - Rose Tyler. Sure she was a fun character in her own right, but her flighty nature and flippant attitude towards her friends and family (Mickey Smith deserved so much better) in favour of her boyfriend in the police box, rubbed many Whovians the wrong way.

Amy in series 5 had the same problem, though made a bit more justifiable by her having cold feet from her impending marriage to Rory Williams. She really does love him, but she's still mesmerized by the childish fantasy of The Doctor. Amy's Choice is the ultimate wake up call in the form of a mysterious figure known as The Dream Lord - played by the walking, talking embodiment of sass, Toby Jones - trapping them between two realities, one being real and the other a dream. In both lies a deadly danger, and they need to choose which one to lose to. In turn, Amy needs to choose which life she wants, the bumbling but loyal to a fault country nurse or the fantastical but flippant Doctor who is likely to just run off with the next warm body that wanders into his TARDIS.

It's a fun episode made all the weightier by the deep study of Amy's character, and how she will always choose Rory when the chips are down.

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?