11 Doctor Who Spin Offs That Really Should've Happened By Now

9. The Doctor's Angels

WHY: Jenny, the Doctor's Daughter, is a biological Gallifreyan. She is feisty and brave and the last time fans saw her she saved the Tenth Doctor before plodding off to explore the universe. River Song, meanwhile, is the Doctor's Wife who is also a 'child of the TARDIS' (Moffat, please explain). She is feisty, brave and viewers always saw her alternating her time between exploring the universe and saving the Eleventh Doctor. Bernice Summerfield, the Doctor's companion, is a human archaeologist from the future. She too is feisty and brave and explored the universe while saving the Seventh and Eighth Doctors in her spare time. Three similar ladies, three similar characters. If shows with female lead characters, such as Buffy and Nikita, can work, surely three of them, Charlie's Angels-wise, might be three times the charm? WHAT: This may be difficult to do right, especially with Georgia Moffett no longer part of Doctor Who, Alex Kingston moving onto other projects including Chasing Shadows and Arrow and Lisa Bowerman having appeared as minor characters on TV during the Seventh Doctor's tenure. However, with the right stories and people, it could still work, even by audio or animated episodes. As for the plots themselves, anything could happen for explorers of the universe, archaeologists of time and space and general all-round femme fatales. The three of them forming a formidable team to find trouble and kick it where it hurts is an idea that's just too good to pass up. With a vortex manipulator, a very big gun and whatever River puts in her hair, those ladies could do anything. Including, it seems, causing every fanboy to have to excuse themselves from present company and stand under a cold shower.
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An obsessed Doctor Who watcher, reader, listener, and occasionally writer. Consult for all your Big Finish and useless trivia needs.