11 Doctor Who Spin Offs That Really Should've Happened By Now

7. The UNIT Files

WHY: Alistair-Gordon Lethbridge Stewart. The founder of the United Nations Intelligence Taskforce, promoted from Colonel to Brigadier after fighting off The Great Intelligence and robot yetis in the London Underground (yes, you heard me), and throughout his eventful life he fought Greek gods and countless alien invasions, met his past self in a paradoxical loop, saved Susan Foreman from drowning, got kidnapped by Time Lords, fought the secret son of Hitler, was knighted and resurrected into a Cyberman (not at the same time) and became a school-teacher for a little bit. Also, his daughter, Kate Stewart, who admirably followed in her father's footsteps by giving everyone computers and battery-controlled ravens, stuck all extraterrestrial technology in one convenient place for invading aliens to find and tried her best to blow up most of England. Jokes aside, the legacy of the Lethbridge-Stewarts is an important thread woven into the fabric of time and the mythos of Doctor Who and as such it would be a shame if a spin-off were not made to tell their story, and to allow new viewers to find out more about the man who would become the finest military mind the Doctor would come to know....and his daughter, who just so happens to be very good at saving the Earth as well. WHAT: A new book series has been announced to commemorate the Brigadier and honour Nicholas Courtney's recent passing, with the plan to tell the story of Colonel Lethbridge-Stewart's early days. In that style, a spin-off television series doing the same would complement it very well. A show in the style of 'Gotham' which tells the origin story of a supporting character before the arrival of the main one certainly works if done properly and with the wealth of un-televised adventures, there is certainly no shortage of material to draw from. There have been interesting books and audios with feature a Doctor-less UNIT and the Brig (The Face of the Enemy by David A. McIntee featuring the Brig, UNIT Ian and Barbara Chesterton versus the Master and an alternative Earth is one which comes to mind). In that same vein (or even the same show), the story of Kate Stewart could be told - from her childhood to her teenage years to her time at the military academy before she takes over UNIT. While there may be chronological disparities between the show and other early works, a show with time travel should certainly be able to handle that. To sweeten the deal, other supporting characters could pop by as a cameo - Professor River Song, Captain Jack Harkness, Liz Shaw, even Paul McGann as the Eighth Doctor - but not to detract from the main story of the Brigadier and his daughter defending the Earth.
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An obsessed Doctor Who watcher, reader, listener, and occasionally writer. Consult for all your Big Finish and useless trivia needs.