11 Doctor Who Spin Offs That Really Should've Happened By Now

6. Big Finish Animated Dramas

WHY: Big Finish has been a boon to Doctor Who fans the world over, creating audio dramas of Classic Doctors. But not many know that they also have many, many other audio series featuring supporting characters from Doctor Who itself: Romana III (yes, she regenerated again!), Ace and Leela in the Gallifrey series, Davros in 'I, Davros', Bernice Summerfield in her own series, and also expanding upon the mythos around the Daleks and the Cybermen in 'Dalek Empire' and 'Cybermen' respectively (Fun fact: David Tennant featured in a Dalek Empire audio, albeit not as the Doctor). Their Companion Chronicles series have also shed light upon never-before-seen adventures that allows listeners a glimpse into the futures (and occasionally the pasts) of the Doctor's companions. However, these series has necessarily been limited to audio, the actors themselves not looking like they used to. But there is a possible solution - the same voice acting with an added visual element can make an audio adventure into a bona fide episode with all the whizz-bang effects and explosions that Moffat is famous for. WHAT: This of course would be labour-intensive and require animating skill not seen this side of Frozen, Big Hero 6 and the old Strong Bad cartoons. But there is a precedent for this - several old, missing episodes of Doctor Who, especially the First and Second Doctor's, have been animated reconstructions from the surviving audio files. It has been done and done well it has. As for stories, there are plenty to choose from. Big Finish could very well merely animate their pre-existing audio dramas (and who wouldn't want to see Romana III in all her Time Lord finery, or Ace as a CIA Agent in training?) or create new episodes featuring these supporting characters and release them as webcasts. People who are not familiar with Big Finish audios may become familiar with their ranges with these episodes, discovering the history of Davros, the inception of the UK Countermeasures Group (and how they don't trip over UNIT's feet), find out who on earth Jago and Lightfoot really are and watch the Companion Chronicles with a tear in their eye. Ultimately, Big Finish can't go wrong with animation, with every single one of them ripe for viewing pleasure. Except for Charley Pollard's dramas, of course.
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An obsessed Doctor Who watcher, reader, listener, and occasionally writer. Consult for all your Big Finish and useless trivia needs.