11 Netflix Marvel Performances The MCU Needs To Save
3. Jessica Jones (Krysten Ritter)
Jessica Jones is a comparatively young addition to the Marvel comic universe, with source material ongoing, yet small when put up against that of her peers.
It's all the more reason why Krysten Ritter's heart-and-soul rendition of this troubled protagonist is no less than spellbinding from start to finish. Be it the excellent development, the excellent acting, or that perfect mix of the two, Jessica's character re-wrote the femme fatale book. Her level-headed, passive-aggressive begrudgingly-kind antics remained solidly three-dimensional and cliche-free right the way through JJ's tenure, no matter what turbulent blips the show underwent along the way.
It's fairly unlikely that the MCU would ever consider reviving this character, which is probably just as well. Being such a shining Jewel (no pun intended) in the Marvel Netflix crown means that anybody else stepping into this role will be hard pressed to compete with Krysten Ritter on any level.
Have we seen the last of Jessica Jones? Very possibly, but she will be an MCU hall of fame inductee nobody can refute. A very sad goodbye indeed.