11 Wild Theories About Doctor Who Series 8

3. The Finale Is A Sequel To The Invasion

At first glance, it would seem that the finale is just a straight action story and the similarities to 1968€™s Cybermen vs UNIT story The Invasion are completely incidental. But when location filming started, a particular photograph that began to circulate changed all that. The photo showed a damaged Cyberman head that is an exact copy of those seen in The Invasion being used as a prop in scenes featuring Cybermen and UNIT soldiers. It could be a very minor plot point such as UNIT pulling it out of their archives to analyse or the Doctor manipulating the software inside it. But it could just as easily be something much more significant. The episode being a follow-up to The Invasion would make a lot of sense since, from what we€™ve seen, the bare bones of the plot would seem to be a basic modernisation of it. UNIT and Cybermen fighting a pitched battle in the streets of London while the Doctor does everything he can to help. Though it could just be a case of taking a broad storyline that worked and building a new story from it. But if we end up seeing anything on location or in the trailers with an International Electromatics logo on it, we€™ll know for sure we're getting a sequel.

JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.