11 Wild Theories About Doctor Who Series 8

2. The Doctor Will Kill Somebody

There€™s nothing concrete to base this theory on but there's a certain something telling us that, this series, the Doctor is going to kill someone. Not as an act of anger or revenge but one of pragmatism. Looking at the situation as a whole and deciding that (as distasteful as it may be), directly killing the villain is best solution. This is an occurrence that crops up incredibly rarely in Doctor Who because the broad characterisation of the Doctor is of an absolute pacifist. €œThe man who abhors violence. Never carrying a gun.€ as Davros said. But depending on the circumstances, he can be spurred on to pick up a weapon and start mowing down his enemies. The only time we€™ve seen this happen recently was in 2012€™s Dinosaurs On A Spaceship when the Doctor targeted villainous trader Solomon€™s ship with missiles fired from Earth after he killed all of the Silurians onboard their ark and gleefully announced his plans to €˜break€™ Nefertiti. A shocking resolution but one that gave the story a lot more edge. If the Eleventh Doctor can be driven to committing a cold-blooded murder (albeit a justified one) then so can the Twelfth, considering that he€™s being promoted as much more serious and less benevolent. The trailers are strongly playing up the Doctor€™s much darker personality and of course there€™s the €œAm I A Good Man?€ moment to make us wonder what kind of lengths the new Doctor will go to save the day. Until proved otherwise, the smart money€™s still on him killing someone.

JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.