12 Most Depressing BoJack Horseman Moments Ever
2. Sarah-Lynn...?
When BoJack cruelly had his Oscar nomination snatched away from him, and saw all the fair-weather ‘friends’ that had surrounded him leave, he turned to Sarah-Lynn. In spite of her being nine months sober, the two went on a bender to end all benders, all the way up to the Oscars themselves.
Who knows what manner of alcoholic, narcotic cocktail they pumped into their bodies, but they were both in a bad way. In the planetarium, as BoJack was telling his friend that everything was going to be okay, she was quietly dying.
Earlier in their hotel room, BoJack had a fright when she wasn’t responding, but she made him jump when she finally did. That didn’t happen in the planetarium, as the episode finished with a cut to black, and no response from the former biggest pop star in the world.
The shocking end to this episode was not only depressing because of the death of Sarah-Lynn, it was complete and utter rock bottom for BoJack. You would be forgiven for thinking a new low wasn’t possible after what happened with Penny, but taking Sarah-Lynn out of her sobriety and on a weeks long bender that ultimately killed her did exactly that.