13 Reasons Why Season 3: What Does The Ending Really Mean?

7. Bryce Walker Is Dead...

13 Reasons Why Season 3 Bryce

Let's start with the obvious one, shall we?

We didn't need to watch the third season to know that Bryce Walker was dead, because it was the first trailer's sole purpose to make that jaw-dropping reveal. That said, this is 13 Reasons Why we're talking about here so, given the ambiguous nature of the show, it wouldn't have been surprising if those trailers were attempting to throw us off-course.

But they weren't. The fact of the matter is that Bryce Walker is dead. The finale confirmed that, allowing us to see how it actually happened and that, in spite of his attempts to atone for his sins, he'll never get the chance to become the better person he wanted to be - even if it seemed like he was on his way to becoming him.

A part of the show since the very beginning, it will be hard to imagine what its final season will look like without Bryce.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.