15 Annoying Mistakes You Never Noticed In Doctor Who

3. The UNIT Dating Controversy

For a programme that entirely relies on time travel, it€™s surprising that Doctor Who couldn€™t get something as simple as the timeline of a single organisation right. Welcome to the great big mess that is the UNIT Dating Controversy. Referenced in both The Sontaran Stratagem (2008) and The Day Of The Doctor, UNIT€˜s timeline is all over the place. Its inaugural battle is against the Cybermen in 1968€™s The Invasion which is set approximately in 1979, meaning that the Third Doctor€™s era takes place throughout the 1980s. Yet right at the other end of the spectrum, Mawdryn Undead (1983) establishes that the Brigadier left UNIT and became a maths teacher in 1976. Before the creation of UNIT and before he€™s even a brigadier. And dates included in other UNIT-based stories only complicated things further with Sarah Jane Smith having a UNIT access pass dated 1974 and recurring character Sergeant Benton being mentioned to have left UNIT in 1979. Basically; if there was a UNIT story, it probably ended complicating the timeline in some way. The entire thing is such a hugely tangled web of contradictions that even Terrance Dicks (one of Doctor Who€™s best and brightest contributors) just elected to avoid the whole mess and not explicitly date any of his episodes.

JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.