15 Annoying Mistakes You Never Noticed In Doctor Who

2. Her Mind Will Burn And She Will Die

And by becoming the saviour of all of creation at the cost of her memories of the Doctor, so ended Donna Noble€™s story. A tragic conclusion for such a great companion but at least she survived. But the cost of her survival was great indeed. For Donna could not remember anything about her journeys through time and space, the Doctor, or any of the remarkable deeds she had carried out. Until Russell T. Davies wrote The End Of Time (2009) and thought €œNah, to hell with that. I€™ll just stick an alien-nobbling booby trap in her head, have her forget everything again, and call it a day€. Nice one, Russell. Very elegant storytelling. Not only is Donna€™s survival after remembering the Doctor in The End Of Time completely pulled out of RTD€™s nether regions, but it directly contradicts both Donna€™s final full episode Journey€™s End (2008) and The End Of Time itself. When meeting Donna€™s grandfather Wilfred again in Part One, the Doctor reiterates that if she remembers him even for a second then (all together now) €œher mind will burn and she will die€. But then Donna meets the Master and all of that gets flushed down the toilet. After her family turn into copies of the Master, she starts to remember her time with the Doctor, rushes outside to escape, and finds herself cornered by a group of Master duplicates. And then her head unleashes some kind of halo energy weapon that takes out the Masters and she faints. And what does the Doctor tell Wilf after this happens? €œShe€™ll be fine. She€™ll just sleep.€ Urm, that€™s a pretty big difference from €œher mind will burn and she will die€. Doctor Who€™s never been short of continuity errors but it€™s very rare that a plot point of such magnitude gets retconned after being re-established within the same story.

JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.