15 Annoying Mistakes You Never Noticed In Doctor Who

12. Turn Left Part 1 €“ The Titanic Crashes

The focus of 2008€™s Turn Left is on what would happen to the Earth if the Doctor had died during the events of The Runaway Bride (2006). And the answer is that Britain would have been completely buggered long before the Daleks turned up. While the Judoon€™s abduction of a hospital and the Sontaran invasion of Earth are resolved in the alternate timeline by the sacrifices of Sarah Jane Smith and Torchwood respectively, the crash of the Titanic space-liner happens with dire consequences. And a pretty major inconsistency. In Voyage Of The Damned (2007), the Doctor explicitly states that if the Titanic crashes, it will wipe out all life on Earth. Which is a crucial part of villain Max Capricorn€™s plan to destroy his company after being forced out by the board of executives. Yet when the Titanic does crash in the alternate timeline, only London is destroyed and South England is flooded with radiation. Which is a bit of a comedown from all life on the planet being wiped out. Maybe some of the episode's side characters managed to minimise the damage. Or perhaps Max Capricorn just wasn't very good at coming up with evil plans that would actually work. But not to worry people of alternate Britain, the Americans are about to swoop in with £50 billion of financial aid...

JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.