15 Best Companions In Doctor Who History

15. Zoe Heriot (Wendy Padbury)

Companion to the Second Doctor from 1968 to 1969. In many ways, Zoe broke the mould of the hapless screaming girl companion before it became a well worn stereotype due to her genius level intellect.

She met the Doctor and Jamie on Space Station W3 in The Wheel on Space and stowed away on the TARDIS. She was able to save the day several times on her travels through time and space. In The Invasion, for example, she used her knowledge of computer programming to beat Vaughan's computer and devised an attack plan to destroy the approaching Cyberships while in The Mind Robber she defeated the Karkus in unarmed combat.

Zoe had her memory wiped and was returned to the Space Station by the Time Lords after they caught up with the runaway Doctor in The War Games.

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Scottish based writer with a slight obsession with the stranger side of life, and massive Doctor Who fan. I also write for The Spooky Isles (http://www.spookyisles.com/), The Modern Scotsman (http://modernscotsman.com/), and have my own blog of terrifying ghost stories from around the world , Ghostly Aspects (http://www.ghostlyaspects.blogspot.co.uk/).