15 Best New TV Characters Of The Decade

2. BoJack Horseman - BoJack Horseman

Game Of Thrones Tyrion Eastwatch

Back in the ‘90s, he was in a very famous TV show, but in the 2010s, he’s one of the best new characters.

BoJack is a bit of a slow burner, and that combined with the surreal premise of anthropomorphism and the fact slow burns don’t always work well when streamed meant it struggled to find a big audience initially. It took until episode 11 of the first season for it to find itself, but from then on it just kept hitting gold.

Addressing addiction, the emptiness of fame, parental abuse, desperation and sexuality seamlessly, BoJack is a much cleverer show than the cartoon animals perhaps make it seem.

BoJack himself is a desperately dark character, an alcoholic deep in the Hollywood blues. Whether he’s trying to fix himself or just burying himself deeper depends on the season, but the story always feels organic and has provided some devastating moments.

With eight episodes still to come in January 2020, exactly how things end for BoJack are still very much up in the air. He’s been working hard on his mental health, but appears set for a #MeToo moment. Whatever happens, BoJack is surely one of this decade’s best.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)