15 Doctor Who Actors Who Have Been In Game Of Thrones

9. Julian Glover (Richard The Lionheart/Scaroth/Grand Maester Pycelle)

It isn't just new series actors who've appeared in Game of Thrones, you know. Julian Glover's Doctor Who credits date back to the 1960s when he played Richard the Lionheart to great acclaim in the William Hartnell serial The Crusade. Unfortunately, two episodes of this story remain missing, so fans can't enjoy the entirety of his performance. However, that isn't the end of his association with Doctor Who. In the 1970s he appeared in City of Death opposite Tom Baker as the villain Scaroth. Scaroth's plot involves stealing the Mona Lisa so he can fund experiments to avoid the accident that left him stranded on our planet. An accident which, it just so happened, was the catalyst for causing life on Earth. It's a Douglas Adams script, so it was bound to be a little bit crazy. In Game of Thrones, meanwhile, Glover plays the aging Grand Maester Pycelle, an member of the King's Council. Tyrion arrests Pycelle when Hand of the King, only to discover that the Grand Maester is actually a spy for the rest of his family. This humiliation leads Pycelle to testify against Tyrion at the latter's trial and also suggests that Pycelle is a shrewd politcal mover having wormed his way back into the good books at the court. However, this doesn't last long as he invokes Cersei's anger due to his inability to heal Gregor Clegane, and is apparently dismissed from his position.

Adam Livermore hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.