20 Worst Doctor Who Episodes Ever

9. The Lie Of The Land

Doctor Who The Lie of the Land Peter Capaldi

The Monk Trilogy in Peter Capaldi's final series feels like it robs us of three cracking standalone adventures for the Doctor, Nardole, and Bill. Especially as its conclusion, The Lie of the Land, completely undermines the whole story.

Because it's happening in the middle of a series, there's no scale to the Monks' invasion of Earth. It's a few streets, a handful of extras, and Peter Capaldi gurning out of a TV set. With such a lack of bombast, it's hard to care about any of the episode's bizarre flourishes.

From the Doctor tricking his companion into putting a bullet in him, to the overused and uninspired "love conquers all" resolution, The Lie of the Land was a deeply unsatisfying finale to a muddled three-part Doctor Who story.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.