20 Worst Doctor Who Episodes Ever

3. Nightmare In Silver

Doctor Who The Lie of the Land Peter Capaldi
BBC Studios

Nightmare in Silver is a garish fairytale with a cast of irritating supporting "quirky" characters, and some stroppy kids. To make matters worse, it also features a terrible upgrade for the Cybermen.

These sleek and speedy Iron Men are nowhere near as cool as Nightmare in Silver thinks they are, and ultimately that's the biggest failure of the episode.

Which you could forgive, if it had likeable characters and a strong Matt Smith performance instead of having, you know, Matt Smith's two worst performances in his entire run.

God bless Jenna Coleman for trying her best to upgrade such a narratively defunct script with the episode's only charismatic performance.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.