20 Worst Doctor Who Episodes Ever

2. Legend Of The Sea Devils

Doctor Who The Lie of the Land Peter Capaldi

With the recent announcement that The War Between the Land and the Sea will repeat the same old story of Sea Devils versus humanity, you have to hand it to Legend of the Sea Devils for trying something different.

A big swashbuckling pirate adventure with Sea Devils could – nay, should – have been perfect Easter bank holiday fare. Instead, it was a confusing, choppy mess of an episode that is among the most inept hours of Doctor Who ever made.

The transition from the practical effects to the CGI is shockingly bad, particularly the Sea Devil leaping onto its ship. And the story's resolution is muddled and confused, to the point that it's genuinely difficult to understand what the hell is actually happening.

Still, John Bishop dressed as a pirate was a good laugh.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.