20 Worst Doctor Who Episodes Ever

18. Planet Of The Dead

Doctor Who The Lie of the Land Peter Capaldi

There was a lot riding on Planet of the Dead as the first of 2009's David Tennant specials.

But even divorced from that hype, it's an uninspiring bit of Doctor Who that feels like an excuse for everyone to go on holiday to Dubai.

The Dubai locations are supposed to justify the "special" nature of Planet of the Dead, but they're just repetitive sand dunes. The UK-based quarry from The Waters of Mars looks more like an alien landscape than this episode does.

The CGI stingrays don't feel tangible either and the fly aliens are laughably bad. It all just feels like RTD and co-writer Gareth Roberts took the rest of the day off after typing "London bus in an alien desert".

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.