22 Doctor Who Easter Eggs You Might Have Missed

18. The Isop Galaxy €“ Bad Wolf

One of the noticeable things about New Who€™s earlier years is that references to older episodes are pretty thin on the ground, with the indisputable confirmation of the two eras being the same programme not coming until the return of Sarah Jane Smith in Series 2. But one or two nods were still slipped in here and there. A subtle one comes in Series1's Bad Wolf when Rose appears on a deadly version of The Weakest Link and one of the questions is €œWho is the oldest being in the The Isop Galaxy?€ (the answer being the Face Of Boe). The Isop Galaxy€™s first and so far only appearance was in the 1965 story The Web Planet when the Tardis landed on the planet Vortis, home to the insectoid Menoptera and Zarbi.

17. Gotta Find 'Em All - Asylum Of The Daleks

Thanks to both Steven Moffat and the BBC€™s publicity department, there was no way you could miss this one. But even though the BBC hyped up this massively underwhelming aspect of the episode way in advance; the presence of classic Daleks in Asylum Of The Daleks still has potential as an Easter Egg since finding them is a fun little scavenger hunt. The episode's focus on the Time War-era Daleks makes spotting the older models a lot more difficult which certainly gives it the feel of an Easter Egg. Particularly when you spot your personal favourite and have a fanboy/girl moment of giddiness. Or is that just us?

JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.