22 Doctor Who Easter Eggs You Might Have Missed

16. The Anomaly Exhibit €“ The Big Bang

At first, it would seem like the total event collapse caused by the exploding Tardis doesn€™t have very much effect on the Earth apart from the lack of stars and a pair of fossilised Daleks. But if you look closely at the leaflet the Doctor gives to Amelia and in the background of scenes in the National Museum, you€™ll notice that there are more changes than you think. In what is marketed as the Anomaly Exhibit are penguins that live in the River Nile and dinosaurs in ice; and as well as seeing them both on the leaflet, Amelia later hides in the penguin exhibit. Looks like there was more wibbly-wobbly time-wimey stuff going on in that timeline than just the two Amys meeting.

15. Sydney And Verity Smith €“ Human Nature

BBCBBCIt€™s no exaggeration to say that everything about Doctor Who is owed first and foremost to two people; Sydney Newman the producer who first brought the idea to the BBC, and Verity Lambert the programme€™s first producer. And New Who finally acknowledged their importance in Series 3€™s Human Nature. In his human disguise of John Smith, one of the Doctor€™s false memories are his parents: Sydney and Verity Smith. Making Newman and Lambert the Doctor's parents in more ways than one. Which was later revisited in The End Of Time when a descendant of John€™s Smith€™s love interest was named Verity Newman.

JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.