At first, it would seem like the total event collapse caused by the exploding Tardis doesnt have very much effect on the Earth apart from the lack of stars and a pair of fossilised Daleks. But if you look closely at the leaflet the Doctor gives to Amelia and in the background of scenes in the National Museum, youll notice that there are more changes than you think. In what is marketed as the Anomaly Exhibit are penguins that live in the River Nile and dinosaurs in ice; and as well as seeing them both on the leaflet, Amelia later hides in the penguin exhibit. Looks like there was more wibbly-wobbly time-wimey stuff going on in that timeline than just the two Amys meeting.
15. Sydney And Verity Smith Human Nature
BBCIts no exaggeration to say that everything about Doctor Who is owed first and foremost to two people; Sydney Newman the producer who first brought the idea to the BBC, and Verity Lambert the programmes first producer. And New Who finally acknowledged their importance in Series 3s Human Nature. In his human disguise of John Smith, one of the Doctors false memories are his parents: Sydney and Verity Smith. Making Newman and Lambert the Doctor's parents in more ways than one. Which was later revisited in The End Of Time when a descendant of Johns Smiths love interest was named Verity Newman.
JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.