5 Periods Of History That Doctor Who Should Visit

1. London, 1642

The year is 1642 and London €“ as well as the rest of the nation €“ is embroiled in the bitter and bloody English Civil War. Charles I€™s tyrannical and arbitrary reign has led to discontent around the country, with neighbouring towns and cities either declaring their allegiance to the king or his parliament. Yet there is a third force threatening the stability of England as a kingdom €“ or soon-to-be constitutional democracy €“ and one that not a single soul in the country could ever have envisaged or imagined would arrive through the ashes of a brutal civil war. The power vacuum created by the warring Parliamentarians and Royalists has allowed the Cybermen to return once more and attempt to assume control by €œdeleting€ or €œupgrading€ the human population where appropriate. Inevitably it is up to the Doctor to arrive at the last minute and prevent the cyborgs destroying the Kingdom of England €“ by demolishing the Cybermen€™s headquarters underneath the Tower of London. Cue mayhem, a whole lot of molten metal and a Who masterpiece. But one thing remains to be answered: Would the Doctor himself be a €œRoundhead€ (a Parliamentarian) or a €œCavalier€ (a Royalist)? Now that really is the question...

NUFC editor for WhatCulture.com/NUFC. History graduate (University of Edinburgh) and NCTJ-trained journalist. I love sports, hopelessly following Newcastle United and Newcastle Falcons. My pastimes include watching and attending sports matches religiously, reading spy books and sampling ales.