5 Things We NEED From Christopher Eccleston's Doctor Who Return

2. Face Off Against The Cybermen

Doctor Who Christopher Eccleston Ninth Doctor

The Ninth Doctor is one of very few incarnations who has never faced the Cybermen on screen. Besides him, only the Third, Eighth, and War Doctor have never faced these cybernetic monsters. However, this has since been rectified for the Third and Eighth Doctors at Big Finish, so why not do the same for the Ninth?

The image above shows the cyber-head the Ninth Doctor finds in Van Statten's museum in Dalek, where the Doctor notes they are an “old friend”. The only issue is, where has the head come from? It can be assumed this Cyberman is from a failed invasion, but this is a 1975 Revenge of the Cybermen head, a version we’ve never seen on Earth. Now, this could have been from a confrontation that’s happened with any incarnation, but what about if we are actually given Eccleston versus the Cybermen.

The Ninth Doctor confronted the Daleks twice in his one series, and they’re some of the classic villains’ greatest stories, so what if we were shown what a possible 2005 Cyberman story could have been.

A typical complaint of the first series of New Who, is the fact that we only ever saw the Ninth Doctor on Earth or a space station above Earth, we sadly never got to see Eccleston on an alien world. So, what if we were given an intergalactic Cyberman story which sees the Ninth Doctor far away from Earth. Either way, the Ninth Doctor versus the Cybermen is a showdown I’m very much on board for.

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