7 Doctor Who Spin-Offs That Could Replace Class

6. River Song

Doctor Who River Song Eighth Doctor

When looking at the recent supporting cast of Doctor Who for a character who could hold a spin-off, one in particular jumps out. Namely, the Doctor's kind of wife and fellow time traveller Professor River Song, as played by Alex Kingston opposite David Tennant, Matt Smith, and Peter Capaldi's Doctors.

River's adventures so far on screen have revolved around the Doctor, but it is clear that she still leads a very adventurous life when her hubby isn't around (as he glimpsed in The Husbands of River Song). A River Song spin-off could be just as flexible as Doctor Who, as she can hop around time and space as much as he can with her Vortex Manipulator.

The only trouble with a River Song spin-off is that she is 100% a Steven Moffat creation and, seeing as he is bowing out of the showrunner position after Christmas, Moffat looks to be washing his hands with Doctor Who completely. So it's unlikely he would be interested in helming a spin-off.

Still, Big Finish's series of River Song audio dramas has proven that other writers can grasp how to write for the flirty archaeologist with success, so maybe a Moffatless series could work.


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