7 Doctor Who Spin-Offs That Could Replace Class


Doctor Who River Song Eighth Doctor
Big Finish

Here's another Big Finish series that would make for a great TV spin-off in its own right. The alien-busting military unit, er, UNIT have been a major part of the fabric of Doctor Who ever since their debut in the 1960s. If any characters from the show deserve to get their time in the spotlight it is these boys and girls.

Or, as it happens, just the latter. The modern incarnation of UNIT is a female-orientated organisation, as it is headed by Kate Stewart (the daughter of the classic character the Brigadier) and her scientific adviser Osgood (who may or may not be a Zygon). With the Doctor herself about to regenerate into a woman, a female-led UNIT spin-off would make for a nice companion to Doctor Who.

So what form would a UNIT spin-off take? A fun idea would be to use it as a kind of Doctor Who version of Agents of SHIELD, as it could deal with the fallout of incidents that occur in the main show. The Doctor is always swanning off straight after saving the planet, which must leave UNIT with the tough job of cleaning up his messes.

The Class route of distancing the spin-off from Doctor Who didn't work, so why not go in the complete opposite direction next time around?


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