7 Doctor Who Spin-Offs That Could Replace Class

4. Missy Who

Doctor Who River Song Eighth Doctor
BBC Studios

Before Jodie Whittaker became the first female Doctor, the Master's latest incarnation Missy tested the waters for transforming a traditionally male Doctor Who character into a woman. And it ended up working a treat as fans took Michelle Gomez' barmy yet layered take on the Doctor's frenemy to heart. So why not give the beloved character her own show?

In particular, the season 10 finale left Missy in a hugely interesting place, as she was on the road to redemption for the first time ever. And, well, she also died. However, the Master is nothing but a survivor. There is no way we have seen the last of Missy.

A Missy solo series could see the former villain attempting to emulate the Doctor by going around saving planets. However, it could play with the classic Doctor Who format, thanks to Missy's far less strict moral code. She would obviously have more ruthless methods of getting things done and in some cases might even agree with the villain of the piece.

Though Michelle Gomez initially said she would bow out of Doctor Who along with her Doctor Peter Capaldi and showrunner Steven Moffat, the actress has since seemed more open to the idea of coming back as Missy in future. Are you listening, BBC?


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