7 Doctor Who Spin-Offs That Could Replace Class

3. The Sarah Jane Adventures: 10 Years On

Doctor Who River Song Eighth Doctor
BBC Studios

To many, generally classic, fans, The Sarah Jane Adventures is still the best Doctor Who spin-off of the lot. SJA arguably captures the spirit of the parent series better than any of its fellow sister shows. A lot of that is to do with the wonderful Elisabeth Sladen, one of the true icons of the Whoniverse. That's why the fandom was left devastated when SJA was cancelled in 2011, after Sladen's untimely death.

Seeing as 2017 marks the tenth anniversary since SJA's debut, it would be a welcome treat for fans if the BBC brought the show back for a one-off season. Though Sarah Jane could not feature, for obvious reasons, we need to see what happened to her teenage friends and family. e.g. her adoptive son and daughter Luke and Sky and neighbours Rani and Clyde. And if they need a former companion in the mix, bring back Katy Manning's Jo Jones (who previously guest starred on the show).

Sarah Jane Adventures was always a massive success, so it's likely the BBC would be up for a return. Basically, this one is all in creator Russell T Davies's corner. He's not actively in the Doctor Who world right now, but he has commented that he regrets ending SJA when he did. How about finally putting that right, eh, Russ?


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