7 Doctor Who Spin-Offs That Could Replace Class

2. Torchwood: Season 5

Doctor Who River Song Eighth Doctor
BBC Studios

When talking about Doctor Who spin-offs that need to come back, there is one that deserves a return even more than The Sarah Jane Adventures. No, not K-9 and Company. I am, of course, referring to Torchwood.

After a disappointing fourth season made in the US, Torchwood disappeared from our screens back in 2011. It wasn't for lack of appreciation from viewers though, as the adult-oriented spin-off arguably has an even more ardent fanbase than Doctor Who. What deceased TV character other than Ianto Jones has their very own shrine?

John Barrowman has routinely attempted to get the show back on the airwaves over the years, presumably with him writing as well as starring (Barrowman has written several Torchwood novels and comics with his sister Carole E. Barrowman). However, he has been very open with the fans that he has been unable to get the revival off the ground.

Once again, then, this one all depends on Russell T Davies' involvement. The writer has been helping out Big Finish with their Torchwood audio dramas, in an advisory rather than scripting capacity, so it is possible that this has reinvigorated his interest in making more Torchwood. If there ever is a season five, though, please - for the love of Jack - put the team back in Cardiff.


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