8 Classic Doctor Who Monsters Who Should Make A Return

4. Omega

Doctor Who villains
BBC Studios

While Omega may not be a monster, he is a classic Who villain who is yet to return to the show, despite being quite a popular character. A Time Lord that went mad after years of isolation, he rules over an entire anti-matter universe. The last fans saw of the character, he was trapped in his own universe. But surely the writers can think of a way for this classic villain to return?

He has a brilliant design and it's always interesting to see The Doctor go up against other Time Lords, so it's about time the insane engineer returned to the TV series. He was a founder of Time Lord society, so it even makes sense that he could be re-introduced with the current revelations revolving around The Timeless Child. Perhaps Show-runner Chibnall already has plans for this renegade Time Lord.

If not, it would seem a waste not to bring the character back. After all, there aren't many Doctor Who villains who can boast owning their own universe, even if he was tricked into being trapped there.

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Media Production graduate from the University of Lincoln. Still not over the fact The Walking Dead, Dexter and Game of Thrones all lost their way.