8 Doctor Who Parodies You Didn’t Know Existed

6. The Lenny Henry Show

Lenny Henry Doctor Who Speaking of governments and Doctor Who, Lenny Henry €“ better known now for his work for Children in Need €“ wrote a parody in which the Iron Lady, that's ex-Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, became a real Iron Lady by being transformed into a Cyberman. In the sketch, Henry, accompanied by the Fifth and Sixth Doctors€™ companion Peri, crash landed on Earth in 2010 after the TARDIS€™s €œprotoanadysing discorperators short circuited the molecular quark overload€, which isn€™t difficult to fix but is apparently €œvery difficult to say€. After trying to fix the TARDIS using the €œdimorphic inertia system€ (otherwise known as a hand crank), the Doctor and Peri venture out onto Earth to find €œThatchos€, the Cyberleader carrying Margaret Thatcher€™s iconic handbag and wearing a large wig, and €œDennos€, who both quickly try to privatise the time travellers. The sketch was apparently well received by Doctor Who fans and was subsequently included as an extra on the video release of Doctor Who and the Curse of Fatal Death, a two part special episode for a charity telethon in which Rowan Atkinson played the Doctor. That's a casting choice that every Doctor Who fan would have supported!
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Guest hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.