9 Doctor Who Big Finish Releases You Should Be Excited For In 2021

2. Dalek Universe

doctor who dalek

Big Finish are firing on all cylinders with David Tennant at the minute. After several specials and one offs coming out as a result of Tennant's increased free-time due to UK lockdowns, he is about to endeavour on his first full series since 2008.

Nothing can get you more excited for this series than its first synopsis. "Dalek Universe will see the Doctor pulled out of time and sent back to the era before the last great Time War. Here he finds himself battling for survival in a universe full of Daleks, Mechonoids, Movellans... and Davros!"

The series sees Tennant in completely uncharted territory with a new team, comprising of Anya Kingdom and Mark Seven. The Doctor and Anya have a history, relating back to travels in the Fourth Doctor's eighth series of Big Finish adventures.

Again details of this series are still limited but this epic series begins in April, with the second and third volume arriving in July and October respectively. Also, a special prologue featuring the Fourth Doctor is debuting in April, setting up the events of this marvel.

But this isn't the only NuWho Doctor who is receiving a new series in 2021...

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I'm just a simple man, trying to make my way in the universe