9 Television Doctors You'd Trust With Your Life

1. The Doctor (Doctor Who)

One cannot draft a list of fine TV healers without at least one representation of the British kind. Sure, there's the brilliant Hugh Laurie right there at the top, but he's portraying an American of the strongest kind, so that doesn't count. And what better choice for a Doctor is there other than the person who is actually named The Doctor? Sure, this character (and what a character he is) is no MD by any means. He has not once handled a stethoscope (well, maybe he did, but not the way it was intended), ordered an MRI or yelled out "clear". This doesn't mean that this do-gooder alien has not saved lives in his entire existence of over 1000 years. In actuality, he pretty much saves a life in every episode, and there have been 50 years worth of those, that's a lot of lives saved. Focusing just on his latest incarnation (the magnificent Matt Smith), there are numerous intense where the 11th Time Lord's intellect and expertise helped to save lives. There was the time when The Doctor managed to save River from his exploding TARDIS; the time when he Amy from being converted into a Dalek by replacing her protective bracelet with his own; he helped save the trapped time traveler Hila by jumping into a pocket universe, only to be trapped there himself; and saved every living thing in the universe when he was declared "dead" in "The Wedding of River Song". And who can forget during the 50th anniversary, where he saved the lives of his entire home planet? Now that's a successful day. In the face of all that, who wouldn't believe him when he says: "trust me, I'm the Doctor"? What TV doctor would you allow cutting open your brain, performing medical trials on you or diagnosing your loved one? Write about it in the comments.

Music lover, TV watcher, horror movies buff, writer, traveler, super groupie, a Whovian with a Journalism BA. Lives in Israel, but her heart resides in Brooklyn & her backpack smells like Berlin. Follow her on Twitter (@BelleBackstage) and/or Instagram (@bellebackstage). There's a cookie in it for you.