Arrow Season 7: 7 Ways It Has Reinvigorated The Show
1. A Stronger Portrayal Of Female Characters
Like other Arrowverse shows, Arrow doesn't exactly have the best track record when it comes to its female characters. Whether they were thinly-written, portrayed as helpless damsels or inexplicably sacrificed in favour of far less interesting characters, the show unfortunately has a history of mistreating its ladies.
However, that is most certainly not the case in Season 7. With Felicity's descent into darkness, Laurel's struggles with her good and bad sides and Dinah's desperation to keep the city afloat without wearing a mask, there is such rich internal conflict and strife in these characters' respective storylines.
This has paved the way for an overall stronger portrayal of the characters, both as individuals and as a group. This year, they aren't catty with each other for the sake of it and, as a result of their deep-rooted conflict, they are beginning to realise that they're not all that different. There is no black and white with these characters anymore - all of them walk in the grey area and, now that the show has finally realised that, it's allowing them to flourish in a way we have never seen before.
Whether it's down to the new writing team or is just a necessary side-effect of the season's overarching narrative, there has been a noticeable shift when it comes to the show's integral female characters. In a single nine episodes, they have been portrayed as the multi-dimensional badass leaders they should have always been.
This year, the girls have stole the show and, quite frankly, it's been all the better for it.
Do you think Arrow Season 7 has reinvigorated the show? Tell us in the comment section below.