Battlestar Galactica: All Human Cylon Models Ranked From Worst To Best

4. Number 1: John Cavil

Battlestar Galactica Cylon

John Cavil was the first Human Cylon model that the final five created, and he has never forgiven them for it. Modelled on Ellen Tigh's father, he was both full of rage and yearning for acceptance from his parents. He was never quite human enough, while he resented the fact he wasn't as much of a machine as he wanted to be.

In a very real way, Cavil is the main reason behind the destruction of the Colonies. While the Cylons did vote on the attack, he kept certain facts secret. He alone, out of the 'children', knew the identities of the final five. He helped to create the others, modelling them with his parents.

His resentment and jealousy started early. Once he saw that the seventh model, Daniel, was becoming the favourite in the eyes of Ellen, he destroyed the entire line, ensuring they could never get in his way again.

He continued to manipulate the remaining Cylons, while arguing that he was acting in their best interests. In the last moments of his existence, he opted to kill himself - this time with no hope of resurrection - once it became apparent that the Humans and Cylons were bound to destroy each other.

He was played to perfection by Dean Stockwell, dominating the screen whenever he was present.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick