Battlestar Galactica: Every Starbuck Episode Ranked Worst To Best

8. Daybreak

Battlestar Galactica Starbuck

Daybreak could easily be called an episode about any and all of the characters, but truly it is a culmination of Starbuck's journey in particular. The mystery of the music is finally revealed, along with a context to when her and Apollo's relationship began.

The ending of Battlestar Galactica was certainly a polarising episode. While the visuals and action sequences were epic, there was a dissatisfaction with the way the story wrapped up - particularly in name dropping 'God'.

However, that misses the point of the entire show. 'God' had been name-dropped as early as the mini-series. While not every moment of the episode lands, Starbuck's final acceptance of who she is, along with her message to Lee, are a perfect ending to this often bewildering, but at all times affecting, story of a broken human clinging to salvation.

Whatever she was in the end - human, messenger or angel - she was at all times Kara Thrace and we loved her for it.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick