Big Finish Just Altered Doctor Who's Biggest Moment!

8. Death Of Sarah And Harry

Doctor who Big Finish

The first consequence of this change is the deaths of the Doctor's two companions, including Who icon Sarah Jane Smith.

Doctor of War opens with a prologue, beautifully recreating the original 1975 moment. Tom Baker returns as the Fourth Doctor for this guest appearance, with Big Finish's Sarah Jane Smith and Harry, portrayed by Sadie Miller (Liz Sladen's Daughter) and Christopher Naylor. This scene already really gets the hairs on the back of your neck standing on edge, but then the consequences happen...

After destroying the incubators, the Doctor, Sarah and Harry are faced with one of the already operational prototype Daleks. And this isn't a Dalek who's hanging around. Without hesitation, the Dalek guns down these two much loved companions, much to the Doctor's heart break.

For a series to open on such a power moment, to kill off some of the shows most beloved characters in a heart beat is a quite a way to get our attention at the changes to come.

However, we aren't allowed much time to dwell on this, as there is a greater consequence to the Doctor's actions. The main consequence that creates the back bone of this series...

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