Bodyguard Finale: 5 Theories You Need To Know

1. David Budd Is The Mastermind Behind It All

Bodyguard Theories

Not Sergeant Budd! Well, many fans seem to think that David's been in on the whole plot to murder Julia the entire time. The basic motives are simple as he was sent to Afghanistan and went through hell because she consistently voted for that action in Parliament.

David comes back with PTSD and ends up separating from his wife because he can't handle the pressure. But her actions didn't just affect him, his close friend Andy went through a similar ordeal in the Army and killed himself after his failed assassination attempt. Add on top that she stands for everything he doesn't and it seems obvious that he'd want to get rid of her.

But although the episodes only briefly show David dealing with his PTSD a popular fan theory on the Bodyguard Twitter tag proposes that he's actually got Dissociative Identity Disorder because of his time in Afghanistan. And this alter-ego is the one who's been plotting the revenge on Julia because of the pain she's caused him. Let's not forget when Julia woke him up in the middle of the night and he immediately strangled her. Was that just the PTSD or was it his other persona?

The theory also suggests that it was the other identity that swapped the bullets for blanks in David's gun after recognising that he was feeling suicidal. It seems a little bit far-fetched in a show that has been grounded in gritty realism right from the start but it's possible. The bigger twist would be if he's done this all of his own volition out of revenge of what's been done to him but his plotting and scheming hasn't been shown in order to build the weight of the twist.

What theories do you have for the Bodyguard finale? Let us know down in the comments.


Film and TV fan with a weakness for comic books. Will fight you as to why Green Arrow is better than Hawkeye.