Casting The Star Trek: Enterprise Reboot

8. Soval - F. Murray Abraham

Enterprise Neeson

Soval may not be a villain but he definitely is no friend of the Warp 5 program for much of Enterprise's run. Gary Graham kept the stoic man's presence captivating, while delivering an underrated performance. His turn as Soval was one of the true highlights of the show, which was thankfully rewarded with more screen time as the series progressed.

F. Murray Abraham is no strange to Star Trek, having appeared in Star Trek: Insurrection. While that may never top anyone's list of Trek movies, his performance was undeniably electric, making him one of the more compelling villains in the franchise. His roles in Amadeus, as the composer Salieri, and in ABC's Homeland as Dar Adal should both offer proof enough that this man can hold a scene.

His voice is ideal for quiet yet clipped speeches and really, how much of a stretch is it to imagine pointed ears and eyebrows on him? It would be hard to attempt to con his Soval into anything, while convincing him to change his mind would seem nigh impossible. In our fantasy reboot, there is no better man to play the hard Vulcan.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick