Casting The Star Trek: Enterprise Reboot

6. Malcolm Reed - Arthur Darvill

Enterprise Neeson

Malcolm Reed is not the easiest character to love. Played ably by Dominic Keating, his rigid sticking to the rules personality made him stand-offish. He struggled to relax around the captain, citing regulations and his discomfort with breaking down the chain of command as his reason. This is an element of the man that would be best left in the past. To make him more likable, Arthur Darvill would be the ideal choice.

His stint as Rory Williams on Doctor Who remains one of the most memorable companions of recent years. He was able to capture both the long-suffering side of the man while delivering some truly remarkable performances. The actor is well trained in the craft, having studied at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art and appeared in numerous productions.

He can play both serious and comedic characters with ease. Reed, as the head of security, needs to have a professional strength about him, yet he can't be one dimensional. The original character was not written with true depth and suffered for it. With all respect to Keating, he didn't have a lot to work with.

Darvill would be the perfect choice to develop Reed into a rounded character and would be well able to endear him to the hearts of the audience.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick