Casting The Star Trek: Enterprise Reboot

4. Travis Mayweather - Lakeith Stanfield

Enterprise Neeson

Travis Mayweather pilots Enterprise. He has a background in cargo ships, having spent most of his childhood in space. Anthony Montgomery originated the role and has remained active on the convention circuit since. Our fantasy reboot cast member for this character is Lakeith Stanfield.

He is an actor and rapper, beginning his career in a college thesis project - Short Term 12, which was later adapted into a full feature film. Since then, he has starred in Get Out, Straight Outta Compton, Selma and Knives Out.

In Enterprise, Mayweather's role of often flew under the radar, with several episodes featuring no more than a cursory 'Aye, Captain.' If we assume that this reboot follows the format of Discovery, Picard and Lower Decks, then a shorter season will require a greater effort from the writers. Stanfield is quickly becoming an A-list star in Hollywood which should be recognized in the role. The potential is there to make Mayweather a much bigger character in Star Trek.

His background on cargo freighters deserves a deeper exploration. Why did he run to Starfleet? Would he consider returning? There is untapped material here and a strong actor like Stanfield would be perfectly poised to explore it.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick