DC's Legends Of Tomorrow New Trailer: 16 Things You Need To See

6. Disco Fever

One time period that we know our legends will be visiting is the 1970s. 1975, to be precise. The fashion, music, and attitude of the €˜70s is something that often makes for gold when it comes to TV or film, so getting to see characters like The Atom, Firestorm and Captain Cold strutting round in flares and funky shirts already has me sold. Then again, I€™m a sucker for disco. Elsewhere, there seems to be visits to generic €˜future€™ places and what seems to be a Civil War era time period. Whilst the future has lasers and the Civil War is hugely historically important, give me a multi-coloured dance floor any day of the week.
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Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.