Doctor Who: 10 Beautiful Things About 'The Time Of The Doctor'

2. He Drops The Bow Tie

You might have seen 'A Christmas Carol' earlier on Christmas Day; it was repeated on Watch. And if you look at Kazran Sardick's attire, he starts wearing a bow tie when he becomes friends with the Doctor. It's icon of the Smith era; even Clara's outfit in 'The Time of the Doctor' had bow ties on it. And similar to the use in 'A Christmas Carol', is it not fitting that in his last moments, the Eleventh Doctor dropped his icon upon the TARDIS floor? It was almost a sign that he's not going to be replaced. It's not a case of one in, one out; this new Doctor is a new man, a new character, and he won't pick up where the last one left off. He dropped the bow tie because that's the end of its tenure, not the continuation of it through another actor. Capaldi might be wearing his clothes, but he's not the same character.

Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.