Doctor Who: 10 Exciting Things We Know About Series 8

6. Capaldi Will Draw On All Of The Doctors

Anniversary year has brought out that age-old question: who's your favourite Doctor? But whilst the vast majority of Whovians have been answering "Tennant" and reminiscing on the brief stint that was Christopher Eccleston's run, Peter Capaldi went for the all-the-more diplomatic answer of "all of them". Yeah, of course he's got to say that. But by the sounds of things, he really will be influenced by all of them. "They are just one, they're all of those actors and they're all a delight, I think they're all fabulous", he claimed. "I'm lucky to have them in my DNA because I've watched it from the year dot, so they're great." It's well-known that Capaldi's a massive Who fan, but this sounds like he'll bring an awful lot more of the Classic Doctor into his performance than we could've ever hoped. And maybe, just maybe, he's a big fan of Eccleston too, and he's going to pay tribute somehow? We can dream, anyway.

Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.