Doctor Who: 10 Exciting Things We Know About Series 8

5. We'll Find Out Why He Looks Like Caecilius And Frobisher

You might have heard that he's been in Doctor Who and Torchwood before. And that quite a few actors have as well. It's usually passed off as cousins, or something. But there's an exciting new edge on the familiar "he's been in the show before conundrum." "We are aware that Peter Capaldi's played a part in Doctor Who before and we're not going to ignore the fact," Steven Moffat claimed in an interview. It's to be played out over time, and whether it'll be a big story or not, we're yet to find out. "Oh, but I hate Steven Moffat," you may be crying from behind your screen. Well, apparently Russell T Davies came up with this plot after Capaldi's second Whoniverse appearance as John Frobisher. Is it me, or does that make it all the more intriguing?

Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.