Doctor Who: 10 Exciting Things We Know About Series 8

4. The Directors Will Be...

So far, we don't know an awful lot, but Ben Wheatley will direct the first two episodes of Peter Capaldi's tenure. Douglas Mackinnon, who directed 'The Power of Three', will also make an appearance, and Paul Murphy - who's worked with RTD on Wizards Vs Aliens - is taking episodes 3 and 6. And then there's the Peter Jackson rumour. The original story was that Jackson wouldn't have enough time to film because of The Hobbit, but that he was a huge fan. And then he got everyone excited by claiming he would do it for nothing more than a Dalek, for his collection. And then, a few short weeks ago, the BBC were apparently in talks with Jackson about the move. But bear in mind that Moffat had talks with Eccleston about 'The Day of the Doctor'; talks don't necessarily mean anything concrete. It might not happen for another year. Another two years. Another ten - in which case, we've got the 60th Anniversary covered. But there was a rumour around this time last year about the Doctor Who team heading off to Australia for filming. New Zealand's only down the road, right?

Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.