Doctor Who: 10 Fan Ideas The Show Should Totally Adopt

2. The TARDIS Crashes When The Doctor Changes

When the three Doctors set foot inside the TARDIS in 'The Day of the Doctor', the console's desktop glitched. It was a nice moment, to see the three sides of three Doctors, but also to see that the TARDIS is as intrinsically linked to the man himself, as she was back in the good old days, when it was suggested that he couldn't regenerate without her (not so much mention of that these days). But when the Doctor's regenerated the last three times, the TARDIS has in fact gone a bit haywire. David Tennant's, Matt Smith's and Peter Capaldi's first moments as the Doctor have started with the TARDIS crashing; what if it becomes a bit unstable in-flight when the Doctor's going through a huge change? It would certainly explain a lot, given the more explosive regenerations that we've seen of late, and a nice nod to the fact her Doctor's changing and she can't quite deal with it would be lovely. Maybe it could work the other way; if the TARDIS is ever in grave peril, surely it would shake up the Doctor?

Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.